About Founder
As a great social reformer, H.H. BABA BALIA has outstanding contribution for Organizing dowry-free marriages of Poor girls particularly those belonging to vulnerable Sections of society like Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe and free 'Bratoponayan- sanskar ' (Thread-Ceremony) of poor boys every year in a massive scale in the premises. He has been relentlessly working against all superstitions and social evils. He is against child marriage & untouchablity and is in favour of remarriage of widows. Through his innumerable spiritual lectures and discourses across the country-side, H.H.BABA BALIA has become exceedingly successful in motivating the masses to shun the age-old superstitious belief and accept rational idea. To him, widowhood is not at all a symbol of curse and the society has no moral right to deprive them from participating in any holy festive event like, marriage, thread-ceremony etc. Rather, according to him, the widow who traditionally wears white dress is the symbol of piousness and holiness. God will bless those more who marry the widows. Besides, he has been advocating for health check-up and proper match of blood-group of both bride and bride-groom before solemnization of marriage instead of putting blind faith on matching of horoscope. These are quite revolutionary in nature, unheard of from a spiritual personality, which H.H BABA BALIA has only made possible. He has always been advocating in favour of total prohibition of wines and intoxicants in the country which create health-hazards. He has been promoting the cause of revival and improvement of Ayurvedic branch of medicine including rearing and nourishing of herbal gardens and naturopathy.
H.H. BABA BALIA is against all forms of superstitions including witch-crafts and blind-beliefs quite prevalent among the illiterate rustic villagers more particularly in tribal community who normally take recourse to wizards for recovery from snake-bites, instead of taking the victims to the nearest health centre for medical treatment. He has been undertaking untiring efforts for creating mass awareness through public campaigns and public speeches to take medical aid instead of resorting to any superstitious and rude method of wizards and snake-charmers for recovery . In this direction, H.H. BABA BALIA under the banner of International Geeta Mission has appealed time and again the Hon'ble Chief Minister & Hon'ble Health Minister of the State and the District Magistrates & Chief district Medical Officers of all 30 Districts for ensuring adequate stock of anti-venomrum available at all Govt. Medical Centers to prevent any unnatural death due to snake-bite.
During natural disasters like flood, cyclone and fire to which the coastal districts of Odisha are very much prone, H.H. BABA BALIA through his organisational network undertakes massive relief and rescue operations every year through the country-boats and large number of devotees-volunteers in inaccessible marooned area, to which the Govt. relief and rescue party could reach much later. Even in biting cold during the winter season, the Sishu Ananta Ashram under the guidance of H.H. BABA BALIA distributes blankets in a massive scale to the poor and needy ones every year to protect them from rigours of cold.
Being a pioneer environmentalist, H.H. BABA BALIA, has been ardently advocating for protection of forests, conservation of bio-diversity and keeping the environment pollution free. He has undertaken massive campaigns several times to create mass awareness across the country for the above purpose, apart from planting two lakhs trees every year through his organizational net-work.
Besides, for promotion of culture and creating cultural awareness among the people, H.H. BABA BALIA has been working as a great patron for revival and popularization of 'Lokanatya' and 'PALA' &'SANKIRTAN', the traditional cultural forms of Folk dance mixed with music & lyrics and 'Bhagabata Tungi', the ancient centre of learning practically imparting non formal education to the illiterates and adults, where the 'Bhagabata' was recited and the village community had to listen to it.
As an ardent believer in democratic values, he has undertaken massive awareness campaigns through the length and breadth of the country to educate the people about their rights and duties guaranteed under the Constitution in order to strengthen Democracy for good governance and prosperity of the nation.
As a great synthesizer of all religious faiths, who believes in oneness of God, H.H. BABA BALIA organizes assembly of religious teachers of all faiths in the premises of Sishuananta Ashram every year during its Foundation Day Celebrations, w herein they are honoured and felicitated, in order to establish communal harmony.